16 December 2005

raise you gin-soaked finger for plutocracy

The 2005 Koufax Award nominations are up. Go there and nominate your favorite blogs. There are several categories to choose. These awards appear to be more geared toward the little guys and gals of the lefty blogosphere as opposed to the Weblog Awards which favored the biggies.

I've decided to hijack the award nomination process and I need your help. How about being a friend and nominating The Defeatists! in the Best Group Blog category. See, I have no shame in pimping the blogs that I am involved in. I lack shame. Guilt is another story (I was raised Catholic). Oh, and I nominated Cairo's Place in the Best Pet/Animal Blog category, yeah I made up that category, so she has a fair shot at winning.

P.S. Thank you to the folks who already nominated The Pime Forest Collective and the Defeatists! at Wampum's site.


I guess you could say this is the "Original Pime". I stopped blogging here regularly in May 2008 (if you don't count the B-Sides diversion - yes it gets confusing) when I joined the Tumblr revolution. Going forward bravely into 2009, this site will serve to house any large image work I produce.

Peace out.


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