29 June 2006

wearing celebrity on your sleeve

Just when you thought American celebrity worship could not plunge any deeper into the caverns of contempt comes this gem of a story:

"Nobody talks about politics anymore. My mother-in-law and father-in-law are both doctors in their 60s and they know a ton about Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie," said Lee, who notes that celebrity break-ups, such as that of Pitt and Aniston, have become front-page news.

I completely understand not wanting to talk or hear about politics. I myself am "over it" when it comes to the War on Terror, Freedom, et.al. Ignorance is bliss when it comes to the misdeeds of our current dictatorial one-party state.

But why replace the subject of politics with an addiction to tabloid fodder? Aren't there better addictions out there? Movies? Books? Music?...something with authenticity?

This leads me to only one conclusion: The terrorists have already won.

Americans hate freedom with such a vengeance that they have willfully become slaves to popular culture. Be sure to steer clear from street clashes between "Team Nick" and "Team Jessica" gangs. You don't want to get bitch-slapped by accident.


I guess you could say this is the "Original Pime". I stopped blogging here regularly in May 2008 (if you don't count the B-Sides diversion - yes it gets confusing) when I joined the Tumblr revolution. Going forward bravely into 2009, this site will serve to house any large image work I produce.

Peace out.


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