21 December 2007

don't go breakin' her heart

Admitting that her own mistakes may have fed unfavorable impressions of her is still not the style of Mrs. Clinton. On Monday night, when asked by someone at the rally why there were people who did not like her, she did not criticize herself or delve into introspection.

“There are people who will never vote for me,” she said. “It breaks my heart, but it’s true.”

Roll up, roll up for the Hillary Likability Tour, step right into this pothole...

UPDATE: Not to worry, HillaryTM gets by with a little help from her friends. If you want I can keep going with these Beatles metaphors. You know, it's been a hard day's night...


I guess you could say this is the "Original Pime". I stopped blogging here regularly in May 2008 (if you don't count the B-Sides diversion - yes it gets confusing) when I joined the Tumblr revolution. Going forward bravely into 2009, this site will serve to house any large image work I produce.

Peace out.


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