07 February 2007

americans invade merseyside

American businessmen George Gillett and Tom Hicks have purchased Liverpool FC - the most successful football club in England - for $344 million. Gillet currently owns the NHL's Montreal Canadians. In addition to owning both the NHL's Dallas Stars and the Texas Rangers, Hicks is a Bush pioneer who raised more than $100,000 for the Decider's 2000 and 2004 campaigns. In 1998, Hicks purchased the Texas Rangers from Bush for $250 million. In return the Texas oligarch received many political and financial perks from the governor's office.

Politics notwithstanding, this is a good move for the club. Liverpool's new American owners may consider marketing the club to an American audience and arrange summer tours. But I wonder how scousers feel about a Bush loyalist owning their club? From what I've heard, Brits aren't too keen on foreign ownership. Less than two years ago British fans, Liverpudlians in particular, chastised Manchester United for its new American owner Malcolm Glazer. I expect Man Yoo fans to rub this week's news in the face Liverpool fans. Let's see how they like them apples...

hat tip: Soccer Blog


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