27 June 2006

washington post joins the haters

Kick 'em when they're up, kick 'em when they're down -- Don Henley

shorter wapo: Brazil is lazy. I want my money back!...oops, I didn't pay any money to watch these games. but I deserve to see "good football" because I write for the washington fucking post!

. . .

World Cup has taught me something important. People love to hate.

The commentators and pundits are leeches who love to draw first blood, to inflict their horrid fangs on decent players, like Beckham and Ronaldo. The haters fail to realize that their mere existence does not entitle them to anything. They don't deserve to see "good football"--their vitriolic and idiotic comments serve no purpose other than destruction. But then again, life isn't fair. And in the end it's the guy with the microphone who wins. The lesson is: make up your own mind.

So, the Brazil v. Ghana match just started and Ronaldo scored a goal in the first four minutes. It appears that Ghana's strategy is to foul Brazilian players every single minute, because that is the only way to slow down the samba juggernaut. Unfortunately I am nowhere near a TV, so I will catch this game this evening on tivo.

Sorry Ghana, you'll have to head back to West Africa tonight. Maybe Bono will give you a pair of cool sunglasses on the trip home...


I guess you could say this is the "Original Pime". I stopped blogging here regularly in May 2008 (if you don't count the B-Sides diversion - yes it gets confusing) when I joined the Tumblr revolution. Going forward bravely into 2009, this site will serve to house any large image work I produce.

Peace out.


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