03 August 2006

technology is your friend, literally

there's a new trend sweeping the postmodern nation. Meet popularity dialer--the latest way to garner attention in our buzz-driven consumer world. this service not only fosters self-promotion in the public sphere but allows you to pump up your ego in the process!

Feeling lonely? No one is calling your cell phone? Then schedule a call from a friendly pal who will say "you are sooo awesome". No plans for the weekend? then have a laid-back girl call and urge you to join her and her friends for brunch saying "whatever, we're going out, and you're coming!" now that's persuasive! (you can listen to sample calls on their website)

Mind you, these are recordings--not real people--which are designed to foster a state of unreality on the call receiver. It's a lot like contacting Mr. Moviephone, except he calls you--and instead of providing you worthwhile information he delivers a pre-recorded soliloquy on your sublimity. Simply enter your cell phone number on their website and you will be called by one of four hipsters at the date and time of your choosing.

The founders of this service quote the social-psychologist Erving Goffman's theories on self and identity to promote their popularity generation service. Based on his field observations, Goffman asserted that personal identities are fluid—individuals adapt their behavior to their surroundings by taking on different social roles much like an actor would play a part. Think of this service as the galvanization of your stage prop (i.e. cell phone) which enables you to snatch the starring role in life’s endless melodrama.

excuse me…gotta go…someone important is ringing me…

*this was sent along by the serrach, who is currently in the Netherlands moonlighting as a cable repairman, or something.


I guess you could say this is the "Original Pime". I stopped blogging here regularly in May 2008 (if you don't count the B-Sides diversion - yes it gets confusing) when I joined the Tumblr revolution. Going forward bravely into 2009, this site will serve to house any large image work I produce.

Peace out.


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