houseguests from hell
Well, not exactly. Maybe purgatory.
An earlier post alluded to the fact that I had to babysit a 2-year old boy Friday night. Well, the houseguests from Guatemala just departed for LAX so I feel the urge to unload a little.
Yeah, I'm kind of an asshole for publicizing this outburst. But, oh well. It's not the kid's fault - blame lies with his mother. She has a full-time maid who cooks and cleans back home, so she has become used to someone else catering to her every need - not a good thing when you are her host.
She was oblivious and then unapologetic to the fact that he peed on our couch. She calls poor Guatemalans "wetbacks". She went out every night with her ex-boyfriend who lives in L.A. (while her husband stayed at home in Guatemala City). She's a clueless, thoughtless person. Or to quote Alec Baldwin, she is a rude little pig. I kind of feel bad for her kid who is most likely facing a life of drama, heartache and divorce. But it ain't my problem...
Me fui de Guatemala y llegue a Guatepeor.