keeping orange county safe from oral sex and relative interpretaions of the word "is"
from west coast cap peelers we learn that detective John Kimble is doing some crafty electioneering:
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, once a critic of the GOP-led impeachment of former President Bill Clinton, has nominated one of the top Clinton prosecutors to the Orange County Superior Court bench.
Former GOP Rep. Jim Rogan, who was born and raised in San Francisco's Mission District and represented Glendale (Los Angeles County) in the House for four years, splashed onto the national scene as one of the congressional managers -- i.e., prosecutors -- in the Clinton impeachment.
The folks at OC Blog are excited about this. Jim Rogan was the Congressman who called the case for impeaching President Clinton a "slam dunk". Two years later he lost his LA-area House seat to a Democrat. Six years later the Governor has granted him refuge behind the Orange Curtain. This goes to show that you'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy than in OC politics.