09 August 2006

operation rest of the brown ones hits costa mesa

A week ago today a 23 year old Latino man was shot to death and four others were injured in front of a Costa Mesa, CA apartment complex. The suspect is still at large. Costa Mesa Mayor Allan Mansoor blamed the shooting on "job centers, soup kitchens and a high concentration of downscale rental units."

Those damn poor people looking for jobs and free meals--they are ruining Mansoor's fair city! Perhaps the mayor should have clarified his statement with some classic Bushian logic...

"First, let me make it very clear, poor people aren't necessarily
killers. Just because you happen to be not rich doesn't mean you're
willing to kill." — President Bush, May 19, 2003

It's true that poor people aren't necessarily killers. Stating this fact might have reduced some of the outrage over Mansoor's comments. But many Costa Mesa residents are behind the mayor, like Ned McCune (from the same article)...
"I want to know from each of the candidates for council this November what they plan to do to ensure that Costa Mesa does not become an extension of Santa Ana," McCune said.

"The mayor has a strategy to counter this threat. I will not be satisfied until all candidates for council are as frank as the mayor. Specifically, will the candidates reopen the job center?"

The city of Santa Ana has the largest Latino population in all of Orange County. The "threat" that McCune refers to is the influx of Latinos to Costa Mesa. McCune's reactionary rhetoric is consistent with the last few years of the city's politics. Mayor Mansoor has been feeding the fires of the scared whitey vote by having picnics with the Minutemen, working with white supremacists in city government, and tasking the local police department to enforce federal immigration law (something only federal border patrol agents are supposed to do).

Closing the job center seems counter-productive to me. I always thought that people with jobs have less time and energy to devote their lives to committing crimes. So a man is shot to death and Mansoor uses this as an opportunity to blame poor people and immigrants. No wonder white supremacist literature is popping up all over the city...

The sad part is that he'll be re-elected this fall.


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