16 December 2006

berlusconi v. shevchenko, round one

When trying to attract your former star striker to return to your club it's probably not a good idea to publicly emasculate him in the press:

Berlusconi, who recently appeared to be considering trying to attract 30-year-old Shevchenko back to Milan on loan, has cut short that charm offensive.

'A true Milanista and a real man would not have behaved like this,' he told Gazzetto dello Sport.

'At my home I'm in charge and decide what happens. Instead, when Shevchenko's wife shouts, he runs under the bed like a lap-dog. 'His wife ordered him to London with their children, where the fog will do their lungs the world of good.'

Good to know the Ferrari's health has improved and he is back to his old ways. While calling Sheva a lap-dog is certainly rude - and probably more insulting to Sheva's wife - it doesn't come close to using "playboy" charms on foreign leaders or insisting that Chinese Communists boiled babies.


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