10 December 2006

no justice in death

Former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet has died at the age of 91. Looks like God waited 7 days to snag the bastard after his heart attack.

If there was all-powerful, all-loving God in this world, Pinochet would have stood trial for war crimes long ago. But due to "illness" over the past several years he managed to avoid prosecution for the 3,197 political murders, widespread torture and unlawful detentions his regime practiced in Chile from 1973-1990.

Now that two-thirds of the triangle of death have perished (Milton Friedman and El Generalissimo) me wonders if Henry Kissinger will be next? Rotten has a brief summary of Pinochet's contributions to humanity, which are due in large part to the generous financial and logistical support of the CIA.

It's times like these I wish there was a hell.


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Peace out.


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