21 December 2006

best of 2006: this blog

A scene from my most frequently recurring dream

Ok. I admit that Joseph Rago is right - "this blog" and "best" are hardly congruable. But you may have noticed the growing archives section on my sidebar and realized I finished importing a year's worth of Typepad archives into Blogger. Some of the formatting on the older posts is a little whack and the comments are forever lost in the Six Apart void. But I've managed to reconstruct my blogging past nonetheless.

Reviewing the past 12 months of material has been interesting. I've certainly fluctuated in style, temperament and thematic focus over the year. The rapture has been a frequent theme (here, here and here). I came close to actually seeing President Bush (I saw his motorcade). I offered a novel solution to the Muslim cartoon protests, learned to despise our Puritan cultural ancestry and most importantly, annoyed non-soccer fans with incessant posting on the World Cup.

Due to embedded video technology this blog doesn't such as much as it should.

Most of all I'd like to thank you my readers who keep coming back for more.


I guess you could say this is the "Original Pime". I stopped blogging here regularly in May 2008 (if you don't count the B-Sides diversion - yes it gets confusing) when I joined the Tumblr revolution. Going forward bravely into 2009, this site will serve to house any large image work I produce.

Peace out.


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